JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RTKOMM. RU" and Rubetek signed the forward contract on delivery systems of satellite communication

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2023: The agreement on delivery systems of satellite communication the Satellite operator JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RTKOMM. RU" and company Rubetek signed the forward contract on delivery communication systems for a network of provider according to the program of "cultivation" of suppliers. Cooperation provides production five central terrestrial communication stations, 500 satellite SCPC modems and 3 000 subscriber terminals. About it JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RTKOMM. RU" reported on October 30, 2023. Under the terms contracts the equipment will be made and transferred to the operator in 2023-2025 to three stages. In 2023 JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RTKOMM. RU" and Rubetek will test pre-series samples of devices on networks...