"Objectively, I was the best candidate". To Colombia elected the Russian mayor

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The Russian Krasnov Mikhail elected the alkaldy — the mayor of the large Colombian city of Tunkhi approximately in one hundred kilometers from the capital of the country Santa Fe de Bogota. In Tunkh, "capital" of the province Boyacá, live about 150 thousand people. The Colombian analog of Oxford, the city of universities, Tunkh it is also known thanks to production of emeralds. information agency "REGNUM" As became known on October 30, 25 thousand residents (31,56% of voices) voted for Krasnov Mikhail. El Ruso — "Russian" came off the next opponent almost for 10%. information agency "REGNUM" information agency "REGNUM" information agency "REGNUM" At Krasnov Mikhail a dual citizenship. He was born in Saratov, received the economic...