The resource center of chess educations opened on the basis of Cheboksary schools No. 65

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Cheboksary. October 31. new information agency "NTA-Privolzhye" — the Resource center of chess educations opened on the basis of Cheboksary schools No. 65. As the head of administration of Cheboksary Spirin Denise reported in the tg-channel, the new Resource center for chess education which No. 65 opened on October 30 at school becomes educational base for teachers. "Chess learns to count everything on many steps forward, teaches players to strategic thinking", - emphasized city manager. It is noted that contract between FSHR, Federation of chess Chuvash Republic, CHGPU NAMED AFTER I. YA. YAKOVLEVA, CHUVASH STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER I. YA. YAKOVLEVA was signed a year ago and...