In Fedorov Petr acted Madyanov Roman and Pavel Derevyanko

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Already in three days, on November 3, only at Onlayn-kinoteatr Okko the premiere of the new drama thriller "Flippers a quest" will take place. The series first of all draw to itself attention to that is a director's debut of the actor Fedorov Petr. Fedorov Petr in series became both the production director, and the scriptwriter, and the composer, and, certainly, the leading man. Only the audience should estimate four sides of one talent. Kupriyanov Aleksey, the art director - Chereda Paulina became the director of photography of series. Actors Serzina Alexandra, Matuzny Maxime...
Pavel Derevyanko
Last position: Actor
Rostislav Leonidovich Lavrentyev
Last position: Actor (Mkhat named after A. P. Chekhova)
Yevdokiya Germanova
Last position: Actress