In Irkutsk Region two brothers and their companion to death beat the acquaintance and dug a corpse in a kitchen garden

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District court of the Alar district of the Irkutsk region pronounced a sentence on criminal case concerning two brothers of 18 and 23 years and their 24-year-old acquaintance. Young people are found guilty of deliberate causing heavy harm to the health, entailed on imprudence death of the person and crime concealment. About it reports information agency "IrkutskMedia" with reference to the press services of Investigation department of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation on Irkutsk region and Prosecutor's office of the Irkutsk region. In the night of September 11, 2022 persons involved together with the fellow villager drank in the house of one of them in the settlement Zabituy. At some instant quarrel flashed, during which brothers...