"Breaks on shout": the former wife Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky remembered quarrels with it

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The actress Natalia Utevlevna Arinbasarova in new interview told how passed shooting "The first teacher". The director Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky was very exacting to the young actress in spite of the fact that at this time it had already a tender affection for her. "And though it was in love with me, descent did not give", – remembers Natalia Utevlevna Arinbasarova in conversation with the Caravan of Stories magazine. As her heroine Altynay on a plot of the movie was very slender, almost transparent girl, the director watched closely a diet of the actress. According to her, when Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky noticed at it in hands something edible, at once selected. In...