Catherina Tolchina rendered assistance to the head of KFH of Municipal entity municipal entity administration Staraya Maina district Ulyanovsk Region in recovery of the account of EGRN under Contract subleases land plots

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The head addressed to Representative on protection of Rights of businessmen in of the Ulyanovsk region krestyansko – a farm of Municipal entity municipal entity administration Staraya Maina district Ulyanovsk Region with the statement. Between the Applicant and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AGRICULTURAL FIRM "STAROMAYNSKAYA" Contract subleases on land plot for a period of 35 years for farming was signed. Contract subleases was registered in Management Department of federal service for state registration, Inventory and cartography onUlyanovsk region. Now JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AGRICULTURAL FIRM "STAROMAYNSKAYA" makes demands about early cancellation of Contracts subleases unilaterally. The applicant claims that in...