The Volgograd water polo players beat "Baltic" in Saint Petersburg] twic

@Volgogradskaja Pravda
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In the 5th round of the championship of a man's Russian water polo Superleague STATE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION TO FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SSH ON WATER SPORTS "SPARTAK-VOLGOGRAD" met in Saint Petersburg the unexpected leader of tournament by "Baltic". Wards Karabutov Vladimir and Nicholas Nikolaevich Kozlov won 2 victories over Petersburgers. Put the leader into place In spite of the fact that owners of the pool headed Superleague standings, Spartacists all the same were considered as favourites of this opposition. And "red-white" began to confirm the status from the very beginning of the first match. Shaykhutdinov Timur, Mikhail Ruday and Bulanaev Sergei 3 times in a row afflicted the goalkeeper of "Baltic" Kostrova Eugenie...