In Abdulino Orenburg Region "United Russia" Party organized an ecological action in nature preservation

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Participants of action let out 160 kg of the bred carp who has been completely adapted for winter conditions. It is the joint project of local office of "United Russia" Party, Abdulinsky LPUMG LLC "Gazprom transgaz Kazan", administrations of the city district, Abdulinsky fishing community and local enthusiasts. Also in the adjacent territory planted 40 saplings of birches, pines and fir-trees. "Children took part in this good deed also. It is sure, very soon the reservoir becomes one more fine place for fishings and rest", - the secretary of local office of "United Russia" Party Denise Petrovich Pavlov told. Speaker Denise Petrovich Pavlov...
Denise Petrovich Pavlov
Last position: Head of the municipality (ADMINISTRATION GORODSKOGO OKRUGA)
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism