Prosecutor's office Gorkovskoe district Omsk region took on control a course of investigation of criminal case upon double murder

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In the morning on October 28, 2023 in the private house located in of Syagayevk Gorkovskoe district to Omsk Region, bodies of the 87-year-old woman and her 65-year-old daughter with signs of violent death are found. Kalachinsky MSO of Investigation department of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation on Omsk region on this fact brought criminal case according to the item "and" of h. 2 Art. 105 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (murder of two persons) which course of investigation is taken on control in prosecutor's office Gorkovskoe district to area. Now investigative actions and the expeditious actions directed on establishment of all circumstances of a crime and the perpetrator are carried out...