"the Property of the Republic" comes back to Kirillov

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On the Vologda earth by the X time will pass a festival with participation of "stars" of cinema. For the first time the film forum took place in 2013. Russian Federation, the winner of the Nika Award Valentina Berezutskaya, the film expert Kanunova Tatyana, directors Glushkov Vyacheslav and Artemyev Roman the director Nicholas Nikolaevich Dostal, the Honored actress. Years, "Property of the Republic" later there were one of Kirillo-Belozersky's actual events museums. It should be noted a place choice. In Kirillov the mass of pictures was removed: "Monastery", "Monk and demon", "Pelagia and white bulldog", "Monastery", "Apostle", "Split", "Fellow countrymen", "The country son", "Harmony...