2006. Debut Dimitri Petrovich Dyuzhev on a scene of Moscow Art Theatre of Chekhov

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In the last dates of October (the 29th and the 30th) Moscow Art Theatre of Chekhov invited the audience to a comedy premiere. One of the most successful directors – Pisarev Eugenie – published the play to Ken Ludwig of "Prima donna": two young unemployed of the actor learn that the millionaire of advanced years searches for the nieces lost in the childhood to give them the millions. In it the author used some subject lines of the well-known movie "Some Like It Hot". Kertis Tony and John Yuler Lemmon III in the movie "Some Like It Hot" Youri Chursin and Dimitri Petrovich Dyuzhev change clothes in women by an example. Pisarev Eugenie, director: "Here...