Любимец почтальонов Мозамбика. Как Евгений Устюгов покорял лыжные трассы

Умеет вести себя на лыжных...
Alexander Loginov
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon (LLC FEDERAL BANK "SOYUZ BIATLONISTOV RUSSIA"(SBR))
Dimitri Malyshko
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon (LLC FEDERAL BANK "SOYUZ BIATLONISTOV RUSSIA"(SBR))
Anton Shipulin
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on physical culture, sport,\u000ato tourism and affairs of youth (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Aleksey Volkov
Last position: Coach of men's reserve Russian national biathlon team (LLC FEDERAL BANK "SOYUZ BIATLONISTOV RUSSIA"(SBR))