"Under the strengthened protection of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Will transport to Moscow". On the ex-deputy The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleg Tsarev made attempt

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The politician is in reanimation, The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine On Oleg Tsarev, the former deputy, and nowadays the head sanatoria a name of Kirov in Republic of Crimea made attempt. The politician is in reanimation in a serious condition. The chairman of the Zaporozhye movement "We together with Russian Federation" Vladimir Rogov. Oleg Tsarev was the deputy The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from 2002 to 2014. It also moved forward on a post President of Ukraine on early elections of 2014, but withdrew the candidacy later. In 2014 Oleg Tsarev supported Donets Basin and headed parliament...