In Kirov Region the 50-year-old local guilty of careless handling of fire, indemnified the material loss caused to ecology

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2 Media Interregional prosecutor's office of the Vyatskiye Polyany district of the Kirov region Kirov oblastipodderzhala the state charge on criminal case concerning the 50-year-old local. He is found guilty according to p.1 Art. 261 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (destruction of forest and other plantings). It is established that on April 10, 2023 in the afternoon the defendant was on the bank of a reservoir near the village of Chekashevo Vyatskiye Polyany district. He tried to kindle a brazier, using paper, however did not consider weather and other conditions. As a result because of a flaw fragments of the burning newspaper got on a dry grass that led to ignition. As a result of the careless...