The psychologist of criminal and executive inspection UFSIN visited the Murmashinsky CENTER POMOSHCHI DETYAM, OSTAVSHIMSYA BEZ POPECHENIYA RODITELEY, "Crane"

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In the center helps to children the "Crane", located in Kola district, passed a working meeting of the director of establishment Galina Maltsev with the chief of psychological office of FGAOU TO "URFA NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION B. N. YELTSIN", URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Murmansk region Serebryakova Svetlana and the member of public council at UFSIN, the director of the Social center - SOS Murmansk Natalya Kurdvanovskaya. Discussion of the organization of collaboration on prevention of offenses among the teenagers who are in the Center became the purpose of a meeting. Interaction means carrying out by psychologists of FGAOU TO "URFA NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION B. N. YELTSIN", URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA UFSIN and specialists of the Social center of the individual...