Founders "Dymov Vadim Ceramics" — about ware, worthy the cities with history

@RBK Stil'
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Founders "Dymov Vadim Ceramics" — about ware, worthy the cities with history Zelenskaya Eugenie and Dymov Vadim © Glazkov Konstantin this year the Suzdal ceramic manufactory "Dymov Vadim the Ceramics" celebrated the 20 anniversary. About why it is impossible to make simply remarks of historical samples and what role in revival of craft play foreign knowledge, read in interview Dymov Vadim — the known master to turn the hobbies into business. The example of that is "Dymov Vadim Ceramics", the manufactory started in 2003 when in the country there were few young masters, and anybody and did not think of local studios, preferring...