ETERNAL Ottsov Artem And CHILDREN. The digital release of the eight-serial youth drama "Cicadas"] took plac

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Since Thursday, October 26, in the Network series of the youth drama "Cicadas" in which played are available both beginning actors, and demanded actors, whose names are familiar to a wide range of the audience. Yesterday's school students only start living in an adult way, they fall in love, dream, make plans for the future, yet there is no scary tragedy at a party. Now to them, their parents and investigators it is necessary to restore an incident picture. The further interrogation comes, the reveals problems and secrets more. Teenagers are lost and frightened, and parents ask a question: and whether well they in general knew the children? .
Grigory Vernik
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Maloy Bronnoy")
Irina Pautova
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema
Sergei Gorodnichy
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Olga Sutulova (Olga Sutulova )
Last position: Actress
Catherina Varnava
Last position: Conducting the show "Fight with Gyorls" on channel "Friday!" (LLC "Television broadcasting company Pyatnitsa")