"United Russia" Party continues to collect the humanitarian help to residents of Orenburg - fighters of SVO

@RIA "Orenburzh'e"
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Party members continue to take part in collecting the humanitarian assistance. The Abdulinsky city district makes a powerful contribution to support of the fellow countrymen who are in zone SVO. Petrolsaws are already transferred to the front with spare chains and engine oil, marching gas stoves and cylinders, axes, splitting axes, medicines, warm socks, sweets, a pickles, others products long storage. Also part in collecting parcels was taken by Goryachev Victor — the soldier who has arrived home to short-term holiday. — Many thanks to all not indifferent abdulinets taking active part in support to our children! The front and the back –...
Denise Petrovich Pavlov
Last position: Head of the municipality (ADMINISTRATION GORODSKOGO OKRUGA)
Andrey Pavlovich Bulygin
Last position: Deputy, chairman of committee on Regulations and deputy ethics (City Council)
Larshin Andrey
Goryachev Victor
Botsanov Aleksey
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Oktyabrsky district
UAZ car
Manufactured by:LLC "UAZ"