Female water polo Russian Federation will pass "A match of stars" in South Ural

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On November 10-11 in Zlatoust and Chelyabinsk for the first time in the history of female water polo Russian Federation will take place the big sports show "Match of Stars" Legendary "Uralochka" brings together in South Ural all best water polo players of the country of different years, winners and prize-winners of the Championships Europe, the world and the Olympic Games. The sportswomen who have achieved the highest achievements, come again to water to play with acting Champions Russian Federation – the Uralochka team Zlatoust. Sofya Konukh, Tatyana and Yulia Petrov, Pantyulina Catherina, Anastasia and  Anna Timofeeva Zubkov, Natalia Shepelina,  Anna Timofeeva, Elvina Karimov - Sitdikova and still whole...
Sofya Konukh
Last position: The deputy director — the head of department of state policy in the field of physical culture and sport (Depsport of the autonomous district Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra)
Elvina Karimov
Last position: The professional athlete on water polo (MUNICIPAL INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION "SSHOR NO. 8")
 Anna Timofeeva
Last position: The professional athlete on water polo (ASSOCIATION "BK "KHANTY-MANSI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT - YUGRA")
Pantyulina Catherina