The daughter Kurt Donald Kobeyn married the son of a skeytbordist Anthony Frank Khouk

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On October 25, 2023, 10:28 — Public news service — OSN the Daughter of the musician Kurt Donald Kobeyn Francis Bin Kobeyn married for the second time. About changes in private life of the star successor reports Site "". the 31-year-old artist officially issued the relations with Khouk Rayli — the son of a skeytbordist Anthony Frank Khouk. It is known that couple undersigned on October 7 for Los Angeles. Francis Bin Kobeyn and Khouk Rayli became known of the relations in February of last year. In total celebrities met for two years. Earlier Public news service reported that Zhidkov Yvan prepares for a wedding with the student who is younger than him on 17...
Tony Khouk
Last position: The professional athlete on a skateboard
Francis Bin Kobeyn
Last position: Artist
Khouk Rayli
Zhidkov Yvan