"Mosolov Alexander. The forgotten and new pages"

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On October 18 in Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name scientific conference "Mosolov Alexander took place. The forgotten and new pages", devoted to the 50 anniversary from the date of death of the composer. The graduate student of the Ural conservatory Pozdnyakova Lilia made the remote report "Creativity Mosolova A. V. in German-speaking literature". Participants of conference heard to the video address of the first researcher of creativity Mosolov Alexander, professors Barsova Inna . Among speakers there were professor of chair of history of the Russian music Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name Vlasova Catherina , professor of chair of the theory...
Igor Vorobyev
Last position: Composer
Mosolov Alexander
Mosolova A. V.
Barsova Inna
Vlasova Catherina