Territorial administration office federal agency on administration office State property in Sverdlovsk region left large families without roads

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Photo: "RBK-Yekaterinburg" Arbitration court of Sverdlovsk region accused employees of TU Federal Agency for State Property Management of violations of the law by transfer of federal lands to the Sysertsky city district. The municipality can lose two sites on which there passes road for needy families. The head of the district Dmitry Niskovskikh intends to collect about Federal Agency for State Property Management 135 million rubles material damage, reports City portal Yekaterinburg "66 .ru". the 2,75 km long built the access road in the summer of 2023 at the request of the governor Evgenia Kuyvasheva to connect automobile Aramil-Fomino Route to the settlement residential district Bobrovsky where 200...