In 99 years the veteran of the Second World War and the defender Voronezh Nezhelsky Vladimir] die

@De Facto
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The veteran of the Great Patriotic War (GPW) and the defender Voronezh Nezhelsky Vladimir died at the age of 99 years. About it reported in Justice of Central district the capitals of the Chernozem region. "We lost the remarkable person, the true patriot who has devoted the life to service to the Homeland. On Great Patriotic War fronts it with firmness and courageously protected Voronezh, freed Ukraine and Poland, each time coming back to a system after numerous wounds. And in a peace time, serving in military prosecutor's office, working in higher education institution, he actively participated in public work, directing all the forces on...
Vadim Kstenin
Last position: Head (Administration of the city district Voronezh city)
Nezhelsky Vladimir
Dukarevich Alexander
Penkova Helena