LLC "YANDEKS" created division electronic commerce and translated there "Market", "Food", "Bench" and "Deliveri's Market"

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Soderzhaniyeistoriya 2023: Creation of division of the Note History 2023: Creation of division LLC "YANDEKS" created the new business direction electronic commerce. It included services Yandeks.Market, Yandeks.Yeda, "LLC "YANDEKS" the Bench" and "Deliveri's Market". The press service of companies reported about it on October 24, 2023. The new direction electronic commerce was headed by Meresov Roman who joined "Yandex" team LLC "YANDEKS" in 2017. In 2021 it appointed general director Yandeks.Yeda and "Deliveri's Market". The direction electronic commerce will be a part of business group on electronic trading and...