The daughter Kurt Donald Kobeyn Bin Francis married the son of a skeytbordist

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The daughter Kurt Donald Kobeyn Bin Francis married the son of a known skeytbordist Khouk Rayli. Ceremonies of wedding of couple the former leader of R.E.M group was conducting. Stayp Michael. [/center] [center] the Daughter of the victim Kurt Donald Kobeyn married nearly twenty years ago. The elect Bin Francis became other offsprings of the well-known family, the son of a known skeytbordist Anthony Frank Khouk. Thus organized in Los Angeles a ceremony of wedding of steam entrusted messages of one more celebrity, being earlier the leader of a rock group of R.E.M. to Stayp Michael. 31-year-old daughter of the lead singer of group legendary "Nirvana" and singers...