Members of the Crimean office of IPPO took part in the opening ceremony of a bust of the Soviet military leader, the major general Fedorenko Fedor Ivanovich

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13:30 / On October 24, 2023 V of a ceremony took part the Chairman Ministers Council of the Krym Republic Youri Mikhaylovich Gotsanyuk, chapter CITY ADMINISTRATION SIMFEROPOLYA RESPUBLIKI KRYM Afanasyev Mikhail and the chairman SIMFEROPOL CITY CITY COUNCIL Victor Nikolaevich Ageev, employees Device of Plenipotentiary of President of the Russian Federation in of the Southern Federal District, representatives of the organizations and institutions Republic of Crimea and Simferopol, and also inhabitants of the Crimean capital. The member of regional office of IPPO, the vice-chairman State Council of the Republic Crimea, the Chairman of Regional office of RVIO in Republic of Crimea Vladimir Bobkov...