""The installed Lubo — five constellations" — travel on a large-scale exhibition Lubenko Vladimir ": interview to the curator of exhibition projects of the artist Lubenko Bogdana

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Lubenko Vladimir — the author of a known Mosaic court yard, hundred monumental picturesque cloths, the poet and the performer of own songs. It is possible to get acquainted with creativity Lubenko Vladimir in the movie "Installed by Lubo — Five Constellations" in more detail. About the movie, innovation of the artist and a new current in the art which has been thought up by the master, we talked to the curator of the exhibition project "Installed by Lubo" Lubenko Bogdana. "Five constellations" — already the second big documentary film about Lubenko Vladimir . The first movie consists generally of memories of the artist and stories about his creativity. And about what new...
Innokenty Ivanov
Last position: Journalist, TV host, screenwriter, director
Lubenko Vladimir
Lubenko Bogdana
Borovsky Alexander Davydovich
Pochin Sergei Alekseevich
Union of artists