The expert Malinovskaya Olga gave simple advice for immunity strengthening in the fall

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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Photo: The mobile reporter / Agency city news "Moscow" to protect health in the period of flu and ORVI, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity. The head of medical department of a network of KDL Malinovskaya Olga gave some simple advice as to make it. For strengthening of immunity it is necessary to wash hands regularly. Important will be walk to allocate more time in the fresh air to which Malinovskaya Olga recommended. And here at the first symptoms of cold it is better to stay at home. Also the expert advised to adhere to the balanced food, transfers the Messages of Moscow Area edition. The fall passed in...
Vladimir Bolibok
Last position: Doctor immunologist-allergist
Tatyana Ruzhentsova
Last position: Deputy director for clinical work (Federal state-financed institution of science Mniiem named after G. N. Gabrichevskogo Rospotrebnadzor)
Malinovskaya Olga
Vostrukhov Sergei