SAVING LIVES. TV channel "Saturday! " releases in air popular medical series "Practice"

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Since Monday, October 23, TV channel "Saturday! " Xenia Lavrova-Glinka, Lebedev Eldar, Barancheev Petr, Oleg Mendelevich Shklovsky, Shibanov Yvan, etc. shows one of successful medical melodramas "Practice", in which caste. TV channel online air "Saturday! " it is free and in high quality it is available here. In life of the surgeon Koroleva Eugenia everything was good while once to hospital did not send from Moscow the new manager Sokolov Ilya. The new chief starts bringing at once the orders to office, and Koroleva Eugenia not easy to find with it a common language. Despite the conflict, Koroleva Eugenia and Sokolov Ilya are compelled to work a side about...