Victor Borisovich Farkhutdinov: "On the Cup Europe to Montenegro the audience so sang along with the anthem of Russian Federation that moved to tears"

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Gold of tournament won Batlaev Bair (category to 51 kg), Kuznetsov Maxime (to 54 kg), Mamedov Gabil (to 63,5 kg) and Dzhambulat Bizhamov (to 75 kg). Silver medals at Soyan Artysh (to 48 kg) and Shcheblykin Vadim (to 86 kg), bronze — at Idigov Tarkhan (to 67 kg) and Khanapiev Ramazan (to 92 kg). About tournament the head coach of a national team Victor Borisovich Farkhutdinov. — Are happy and the welcome accorded to us, and sports results. The final was reached by six Russian athletes. As a result we won four gold medals and became winners in...