Employees of a corrective colony No. 1 took part in open track and field athletics running

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Employees of IK-1 of Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Republic of Buryatia took part in the open track and field athletics running devoted to memory X Hambo-of a lama Gomboev Dampil. In competitions which took place in the ulus Tsaydam-Suburgan Selenginsky district, took part the instructor of group on combat and special training of a human resources department and work with staff Rinchinov Alexander and the junior inspector of group of supervision of department of safety Solbon Rinchinov, 6 km which have overcome a distance, and also the acting as the chief of establishment Partilkhaev Solbon and the junior inspector of department of protection Suslov Nicholas –...
Gomboev Dampil
Partilkhaev Solbon
Suslov Nicholas
Rinchinov Alexander