"We wrote the end, very serious, very deep": Nicholas Aleksandrovich Naumov told about the last season of "Real boys"

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On October 23 there is the tenth and as declared TNT TV channel, farewell, a series "Real Boys" season (16%2B). This summer our colleagues from information portal "59.ru" went on project shootings to Moscow Region and talked to the leading man Nicholas Aleksandrovich Naumov. Nicholas Aleksandrovich Naumov was born in 1982 in a family of the military. Studied at the Perm pedagogical institute at faculty of foreign languages. At the beginning of the 2000th undergraduates invited him to play KVN where it almost got at once to the Highest league, and became the participant of the KVNs teams "Parma" and "Friends" later. The first role of the actor at cinema became kameo in series "Mongoose" (12%2B)...