The widow of the actor Yanin Aleksey for the first time stepped on the stage after death of the husband

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Starhit: the widow Janina Darya the singer Janina Darya for the first time stepped on the stage after death of the husband the page Janina Darya / "VKontakte" the Widow of the actor Yanin Aleksey the singer Janina Darya for the first time stepped on the stage after death of the spouse. About it reported the Starhit edition. Despite heavy loss, Janina Darya continues to keep and gradually comes back to work. Recently passed debut of the actress. She participated in the DVIZh festival from New Radio and sang the song "Lines" devoted to the lost spouse. The actor of RAMT Yanin Aleksey died on September 19, he was 40 years old...
Eugenia Beloborodova
Last position: Actress (RAMT)
Yanin Aleksey
Janina Darya
Main activity:Culture and sports