Maria Zakharova condemned visit by politicians Japan the Shintoistic temple of the Yasukuni Shrine

@RT na russkom
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The official representative Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova declared that Moscow resolutely condemns visit by politicians Japan the Shintoistic temple of the Yasukuni Shrine. Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" the Acting minister economic security Japan Sanae Takaiti, and also some former ministers visited the Yasukuni Shrine temple on the occasion of anniversary of capitulation Japan in World War II on August 15, 1945. Last week this temple the new head of Ministry ekonomiki, torgovli i promyshlennosti GosudarstvaJapan visited Yasutosi Nisimuro. The Japanese prime minister Fumio Kisida sent a ritual gift to the temple, writes Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Lists of soldiers are stored in the temple...
Maria Zakharova
Last position: Director of the department of information and press (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Fumio Kisida
Main activity:Politician
Sanae Takaiti
Last position: Minister of economic safety (Cabinet of Japan)