The deputy minister of justice Maxime Mikhaylovich Beskhmelnitsyn and the director of the department of developments and regulations the legal aids and legal services Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Roman Ryaby with working visit visited Russian Federation Amur...

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During working visit the deputy minister of justice Russian Federation Maxime Mikhaylovich Beskhmelnitsyn and the director of the department of developments and regulations the legal aids and legal services Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Roman Ryaby met the vice-chairman of Government of the Amur region Andrey Dyumin and the Minister of Justice Amur Region Helena Akimenko. Participants of a meeting discussed a condition of system the free legal aids in the region, its directions of developments and prospects of creation of the state legal bureau. Besides, the questions of realization of powers Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, in that were raised...
Maxime Mikhaylovich Beskhmelnitsyn
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation)
Roman Ryaby
Last position: The director of the department of questions of legal aid and interaction with judicial system (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation)
Helena Akimenko
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Justice of the Amur region)