Representatives of election commissions of the Slavyanoserbsky region of Luhansk People's Republic visited the regional and city territorial commissions

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On October 20, 2023 V Altai Territory the delegation from the Slavyanoserbsky area Luhansk People's Republic continues work which part chairmen territorial and precinct election commissions are. With working visit they visited Biysk, the Biysk and Kosiha district. In Biysk there took place a meeting with participation of chairmen East and Priobsky territorial election commission of Biysk Borisenko Tatyana and Ishchuk Vladimir, and also Biysk regional territorial election commission Kryuchkovsky Alexander. They told colleagues about features of the organization of a voting procedure in the city and area territory. Practices in the direction...
Aleksey Fedorovich Panyukov
Last position: Deputy of Council (Administration of the municipal entity city district Syktyvkar)
Borisenko Tatyana
Ishchuk Vladimir
Kryuchkovsky Alexander