Krasnogorsk handed over to visually impaired inhabitants certificates on acquisition of sound gadgets

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360 TV channel TV channel 360 ° Visually impaired persons from Krasnogorsk received certificates on acquisition of tiflosredstvo. These are special sound gadgets for visually impaired — speaking alarm clocks, tonometers, hours and many other things. The certificate on 50 thousand rubles for acquisition of tiflosredstvo the deputy handed over to representatives of the local organization All-russian non-governmental organization of disabled people "Vserossiyskoye ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni association slepykh" Regional Duma of Moscow, the member of "United Russia" Party Roman Aleksandrovich Volodin. For several years the parliamentarian gives material support of the organization and solves pressing problems of people with disabilities on sight. "On the fifteenth of October —...