Valery Dorozhkin about problems with heating in the Tula teachers training university: "It was unexpected for all"

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The chief of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE PO GORODSKOMU ECONOMY CITY ADMINISTRATION TULA commented on complaints on heating from one higher education institutions the cities on "TULASMI" air. As Valery Dorozhkin told, heat in FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "TULSKY STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER L. N. TOLSTOGO", TULA STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER L. N. TOLSTOGO, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "TGPU NAMED AFTER L. N. TOLSTOGO", TGPU NAMED AFTER L. N. TOLSTOGO started arriving on October 5. Complaints on cold batteries neither in administration, nor in JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TULATEPLOSET" did not arrive. "For us it was unexpected. About current situation personally I learned from mass media. Whether tried by own efforts will consult, whether everything at them burned, and 12 there was an accident" — Valery Dorozhkin told. On the same day resursosnabzhayushchy organization confirmed sag in parameters and...