To Volgograd Region finished investigation of road accidents with three victims

@MK.RU Volgograd
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Investigation of the criminal case connected with death of three people in road accidents, is finished by the staff of investigative department Bykovo district areas. As reported in Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Volgograd region, in the afternoon on July 8, 2023 the 64-year-old local went on car "Grant's Lada Granta" (sedan) with a speed about 100 km/h. He tried to overtake the truck KAMAZ on the 615th kilometer of highways Samara – Pugachev Engels – Volgograd. However the man did not cope with management and met head-on another car "Grant's Lada Granta" (liftbek). The tragic outcome became inevitable. 45-year-old driver of "Lada"...