Results of the first International scientific and practical conference "Stomatology. Traditions and present"

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On October 14, 2023 in an internal format with online translation there took place the first International scientific and practical conference of memory of professor Ivanov Vladimir "Stomatology. Traditions and the present" in which more than 260 stomatologists from Russian Federation took part. As organizers of action acted: FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION DPO RMANPO OF MINISTRY OF HEALTH RUSSIA, Chair therapeutic stomatology name of professor Ivanov Vladimir . At conference opening with welcome speech to audience addressed: president of RMANPO academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored doctor Russian Federation Moshetova Larissa ...
Ilya Mikhaylovich Rabinovich
Last position: Head of department of therapeutic stomatology (Federal state-financed institution "TsNIISiChLKh" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Ivanov Vladimir
Moshetova Larissa
Abakarov Sadulla Ibragimovich
Makeeva Irina