The infectiologist Tatyana Ruzhentsova told how to avoid colds in the fall

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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Photo: the Infectiologist, the cardiologist, the therapist Tatyana Ruzhentsova told shutterstock about how to strengthen immunity during the autumn and winter period. According to the expert not to ache, it is necessary to contact to persons who have symptoms of respiratory diseases less. It is worth trying to visit less often than a place of a congestion of the people, especially closed: shopping centers, entertainment complexes and types public transports where it is difficult to observe a social distance. The expert also advised to avoid a sleep debt and overloads, both physical, and emotional. — I will emphasize that very negatively influences on...
Tatyana Ruzhentsova
Last position: Deputy director for clinical work (Federal state-financed institution of science Mniiem named after G. N. Gabrichevskogo Rospotrebnadzor)
Vladimir Bolibok
Last position: Doctor immunologist-allergist
Vostrukhov Sergei