"Scene-2023": in Chelyabinsk summed up the results of one of the oldest theatrical festivals of the country

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In Chelyabinsk STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION OF THE NOVOSIBIRSK REGION "TSKI" "Svoboda 2" summed up the results of the 33rd festival of professional theaters the region "Scene-2023". The "Scene-2023" and rank Grand Prix "The best performance" awarded statement "Blizzard" New art theaters. "Heartily I congratulate us on the next festival. Thank you that there is an opportunity to choose the best performances in the different nominations. It is sure that each theater will leave with the best nomination. Also I transfer literally words of the governor: every year at us will be year of culture, so and year theaters to Chelyabinsk Region", – the vice governor Chelyabinsk noted...