Unknown drew the head of a pig of the apartment of the war correspondent of daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"

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Unknown drew a pentagram with the pork head, and also placed candles about a door of the apartment of the war correspondent of daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" Trushnina Valentine. daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya". It is noted that drawing found on October 18, the journalist now is in business trip in Israel. Shortly before the incident he received messages with threats and insults, with the personal data and data of family members from subscribers from the Ukrainian numbers. The man who is engaged in repair at an entrance, told that saw the girl and the young man with a barrel and a cliche, is spoken in...
Konstantin Sivkov
Last position: Member of presidium, vice president (FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION RARAN)
Wladyslaw Shurygin
Last position: Military publicist, observer
Trushnina Valentine
Avilov Alexander