Ex-girlfriend Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy: "It did not strike blows. Everything was not as described in the press"

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Kayza Gondrezik, the ex-girlfriend of the player of NBA Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy gave some details of incident following the results of which charges of suffocation of the second degree and attack of the third degree are brought to it. "He did not clench fists and did not beat me. And it definitely did not strike blows to my person many times. It is lie. I have no injuries confirming it. Everything occurred very quickly and everything was not as reported in the press. And all this conflict between us in that room lasted more than 10 seconds", – Gondrezik told. "Huston" decided to exchange 23-year-old Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy to "Oklahoma". After that the player will be at once...
Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball