The Yaroslavl teachers taught the African students to the Russian rap

@MK.RU Jaroslavl'
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Employees the Yaroslavl pedagogical universities which got down to work in Russian and culture center in Kot's republic - d-Ivuar, sent to the Russian colleagues of video with the first progress of the students. Russian studying at the African listeners of a special course began only a week ago. But they already read the Russian rap. Teachers of the YaGPU center in Kot-D-Ivuare consider that similar non-standard methods of training only strengthen thirst for knowledge. Let's remind, the Center of open educations in Russian and training in Russian of YAROSLAVL STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER K. D. USHINSKOGO, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YAROSLAVSKY STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER K. D. USHINSKOGO", YAGPU NAMED AFTER K. D. USHINSKOGO was open in Abidjan on October 10. In...