"Houston" will exchange Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy to "Oklahoma". The player will be deducted at once

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"Huston" will send the defender Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy to "Oklahoma" in exchange for Kekhinde Babatunde Oladipo and the heavy forward Dzheremayyu Robinson-Earl. After an exchange Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy at once it will be deducted. "Tander" it is necessary to pay the guaranteed 16,9 million dollars which have remained on contract of Brian Kevin Porter-mladshy. As a result of the transaction "Tander" will receive two draft peak of the second round: peak of "Minnesota" on a draft-2027 and peak of "Milwaukee" on a draft-2028. charges of attack and suffocation on the basis of incident with his girl who was the basketball player of female NBA Kayza Gondrezik are brought to Porter. In case of removal accusatory...