The sportswoman situated near Moscow won the All-Russian fencing competitions

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Culture and sports Today 17:09 Photos: [No. 1 UOR (Moscow Region)] Ayla Ilgar Mamedov from Khimki became the winner of the All-Russian competitions in fencing on rapiers. As the press service of MINISTRY OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS OF THE KOMI REPUBLIC informs Moscow Region, in a semi-final the 18-year-old sportswoman beat Davletkhanova Karina from Republic of Bashkortostan (15:13), and in a match for gold overcame Taratunskaya Anastasia from Saint Petersburg (15:10). Let's note that trains Ayla mother Helena Zhemaeva who in stay by the sportswoman was the world champion in fencing on sabers. The father, - Ilgar Mamedov, - double...