The sportswoman from Khimki Khimko Aylah Mamedova became the champion of the All-Russian tournament in fencing

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UOR 1 Moscow Region a sportsmenka from Khimko Aylah Mamedova became the winner of the All-Russian competitions in fencing among juniors and juniors. About it reported in MINISTRY OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS OF THE KOMI REPUBLIC Moscow Region. The girl became the champion of the single category in fencing on rapiers. She won against competitors from Saint Petersburg, Republic of Bashkortostan and Kursk Region. prizer were awarded the honored trainer of the USSR Mark Semenovich Rakita, the honored fencing coach of the USSR on rapiers Kruglyansky Arnold and the trainer of the women's national team by Russian Federation on fencing on rapiers Ildar Shaymardanov. Tournament took place with 14...