The skier from Russian Federation opened a secret of character Helena Vyalbe

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Kazan, 17 Oct - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Ziatdinov Adele. The prize-winner of the World Cup stages in cross-country skiing Anastasia Dotsenko told in interview of Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" that the president of "FLGR" Helena Vyalbe only at first sight seems severe, it can be kind and careful. ""As head it strict. But on the World Cup to Sweden arrived with a family, cooked to us food, before us in an apron walked. Person it good. At first sight it seems severe but when you recognize her closer, everything appears differently", - told Anastasia Dotsenko ". Condemned without proofs": interview of the skier about the crushed...